
Showing posts from June, 2020

16 A- What's your secret sauce?

Self Evaluation:  I believe that first off I am able to easily step into others' shoes and see situations from their point of view. I have always been on a team, whether it be sports or extracurriculars, so I am confident in my ability to contribute in a group setting. I was my hockey team's captain for multiple seasons, and am confident in my ability to take charge and lead. I am very hardworking, and will put in extra time to make sure a job is done right. I am very prompt, and will deliver promises in a timely manor.  Interviews:  Max- Max stated that I have great problem solving skills. He also said that I am very determined.  Ethan- Ethan stated that I am very passionate about things that I put my mind to. He also said that I am able to communicate my desires clearly.  Jack- Jack stated that I am able to talk with almost anyone and empathize with them. He stated that my emotional intelligence is high.  Tripp- Tripp emphasized my work ethic and determin...

15 A- Figuring Out Buyer Behavior No. 2

Interview Summarizations-  For my idea, the perceived value of the product seemed to be the biggest factor in renting a bike. The people I interviewed made it clear that having the bike racks in convenient locations for the consumers to easily access was the most important attribute.  Ideally, users would simply be able to use an app to pay for renting a bike. A user would type their bike number in the app, and when the bike is returned to the rack, it would stop charging the user. In my interviews, the subjects voiced their concern on overcharging, and mistakes, since the whole business is essentially online transactions.  In my interviews I found that for the customers to be satisfied with the purchase, they will have to view their using the bikes as more beneficial than an alternative form of transportation.  After obtaining all of this information, I have realized that there are many kinks to work out in regards to the payment methods. Additionally, developi...

14 A- Halfway Reflection

1. Tenaciousness is a competency-  In the beginning of the course I used to wait until Friday morning to submit my posts. Because of this routine, I missed three posts, which severely hurt my grade. This being said, I have changed my actions and now submit my posts Thursday nights. 2. Tenaciousness is also about attitude-  Everyone has gone through a time where they have felt down and out. Personally, mine came during my first semester at UF. My grades were slowly declining, and I had developed extremely poor study habits. Despite this, I was able to overcome this time and learn from my past experiences. I developed good study habits, and have been able to succeed in college ever since. Through the last two months I do feel like I have developed tenaciousness due to the way that this class encourages creative thinking.  3. Three tips-  Don't fall behind on the lectures Do your posts the night before, or throughout the week Imagine that a future employer is reading al...

13 A- Reading Reflection No. 1

Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson 1. Jobs is a pop-culture icon, however, his brutal personality and disregard for others surprised me. I admire how Jobs was able to not only continually innovate, but how well he seemed to understand his market. I did not admire his harsh personality. Jobs encountered adversity after being caught experimenting with drugs by his parents and also when he decided to drop out of college after only one year. Despite all of this, Jobs was able to rebound and focus his energy on innovation in technology. 2. Jobs's ability to innovate and envision a bigger picture was truly unmatched in his time. He continued to do this up until his untimely death. 3. I do not fully understand why Jobs chose to drop out of college, due to the fact that he put so much emphasis on education. 4. If I were able to ask him two questions I would ask the following: What inspires you? What is your perception of people? 5. I believe that Jobs valued hard work, due to the fact that he p...

12A- Figuring Out Buyer Behavior No. 1

Pick a Segment:  My segment that I would attempt to isolate would be college students who spend the majority of the day on campus and have no personal form of transportation.  Interview/Need awareness/Information search Summary: 1. The first person I interviewed was a friend with no personal form of transportation. He fit directly in my market segment due to the additional fact that he had multiple classes on campus. His needs come from not having a personal form of transportation and having to wait for busses or plan out extra time to walk to his destinations. When he is in a rush, he must search for someone to carpool with (or scooter-pool if his friend has a scooter). He has not looked for personal transportation methods due to a tight budget.  2. In this interview I questioned a friend that also fell into my segment: a student who spends the majority of their day on campus and has no personal form of transportation. He said he walks everywhere he has to go, but is loo...

11A- Idea Napkin No. 1

1. You: Talents-  Math, Hockey, Communication, Presentation  Skills and Experiences-  Skilled in locating new business opportunities and targeting niche markets based on their demographics Experience in new business development, sales, marketing, and business side of healthcare  Aspirations-  Make a stable enough income to support myself and my family  Find meaning in what I do I believe if I were to start the business it would consume most of my time and since the idea behind it gives me a sense of purpose and meaning, I believe I would be fulfilled with my work. 2.  What are you offering to customers?: I would be providing a system of bikes throughout the campus that would be accessible to anyone. In this system, a student could electronically rent a bike and then deposit it at the stop closest to their desired destination. Students that are looking to easily cut through campus to avoid traffic, those looking to increase their daily physical activity...

10 A- Elevator Pitch No. 1

9A- Testing the Hypothesis Part 2

Who:  Interview 1:  The first person that I interviewed had a gas powered scooter and said he would not use the system of rental bikes.  Interview 2:  The second person walked everywhere and would most likely utilize a system of bikes to get through campus.  Interview 3:  This person had their car, and stated that he may use it if he needed to get somewhere quickly and had to cut through campus.  Interview 4:  The fourth person had a gas powered scooter and said he would not use the system of bikes.  Interview 5:  The last person I interviewed said that they do not have any form of transportation, however, would probably not use a system of bikes if she had to pay for it.  What: The need for college students to maintain an active lifestyle while also promoting environmental conservation.  Why:  The people that fall outside of the my need already have preferred transportation or are already active.  Inside the boundary...

8A- Solving the Problem

One of the problems I have identified in my previous posts was the lack of activity and eco-friendly transportation around campus. Most students use gas-scooters, cars, or the RTS bus system, these cannot transport them through campus, and they are not considered eco-friendly.  A solution that came to me while interviewing for the previous exercise was to incorporate an electric scooter alternative such as the Bird Scooters that the Florida State University has adopted. Within this model, students would be free to pick up a scooter as they needed from various charging stations around the campus.  Another idea in order to promote an active lifestyle and environmental conservation that I had was to set up a series of bike racks around campus. These bikes would be electronically locked on the racks but would be available to rent via an app, etc. While being eco-friendly, the bikes would also promote movement on campus.