12A- Figuring Out Buyer Behavior No. 1

Pick a Segment: 

My segment that I would attempt to isolate would be college students who spend the majority of the day on campus and have no personal form of transportation. 

Interview/Need awareness/Information search Summary:

1. The first person I interviewed was a friend with no personal form of transportation. He fit directly in my market segment due to the additional fact that he had multiple classes on campus. His needs come from not having a personal form of transportation and having to wait for busses or plan out extra time to walk to his destinations. When he is in a rush, he must search for someone to carpool with (or scooter-pool if his friend has a scooter). He has not looked for personal transportation methods due to a tight budget. 

2. In this interview I questioned a friend that also fell into my segment: a student who spends the majority of their day on campus and has no personal form of transportation. He said he walks everywhere he has to go, but is looking for a scooter. Upon presenting him with my idea, he said he would use the bike system due to the fact that it is cheaper than a scooter. 

3. In this interview I questioned another person who fit well in my target market. This being said, when presented with my business idea, he expressed interest. He has never searched for a scooter, and if he needs to get somewhere fast, he usually just gets an Uber.


After conducting all the interviews, I have realized that though there is no chance that I will dominate the transportation market at UF, I can tap into a niche market and exploit it. 


  1. I find the bike idea interesting. Especially with Lime, Citi, and other scooter and bike 'rental' ventures all over big cities, I could see it being effective on college campuses. I never wanted to use a bike or a scooter regularly because I preferred to walk, but sometimes if I was in a big rush, I would have been able to get to class in time if I had access to a bike rental.

  2. Hey Jakob!
    I find this idea very profitable. When I lived in Paris, bike sharing services were very profitable all around the cit, and I think that this type of business would work here too. This would be a nice addition to the campus and would make getting around UF much easier.
    Great Work!

  3. I think that your drawings from the interviews were perfect and that concentrating on a smaller market would be beneficial to your business. Some people are already too comfortable using other forms of transportation and aren't going to be willing to make the switch. It is important to make sure that there are enough people with the need for transportation, especially as more and more classes move to online.

  4. Hi Jakob! Once again great job. You explored the best fitting target segment to your services; however, I think it would also be beneficial for you to also target college students who are into fitness. Cycling has become really popular lately with cycling gyms, so I think if you targeted a fitness segment as well you would have great success.


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