26 A- Celebrating Failure

1. Throughout my life and over the summer I have failed countless times, however, I always try to bounce back. One instance over the summer where I failed took place when I struggled to install my course software for one of my summer classes. Although I attempted to download it for multiple hours (approximately 3), it simply would not download. I checked my internet connection, paid for the software, and closed all open applications, but it simply would not download. Finally after 3 hours of frustration and failure, I realized I had been trying to download the wrong course software. 

2. Because of this experience I learned to read diligently, a skill that I thought I previously possessed. 

3. I believe that failure is a necessary part of progressing as a person. How you internalize failure ultimately determines your character. This class has definitely allowed me to recognize my own failure and learn how to build upon it to come closer to a solution. I am definitely more likely to take a risk after taking this course.  


  1. Hello Jakob,
    I think you came up with a bunch of excellent points on this assingment. I like how you were able to recognize your failures and grow from them. It is important for an entrepreneur to learn from all their failures and grow. I think you did a really good job on this asingment.

  2. This is a great example of how you overcame your failure and I think it's so difficult to install software as well. Usually I have a friend help me who has already done it. Next time you could find someone in your class and ask them for help. It is good that you overcame the situation on your own though! Great work!

  3. Hi Jakob! I also fail to read things thoroughly, and this has been brought my attention several times where my actions resulted in a failure. I have the tendency to “skim” through instructions and that is a fault of mine. I also agree that failure is necessary in order to progress and grow as a person. I liked how you mentioned that failure can determine your character.

  4. Hey Jakob!
    I also have had difficulty installing software and that has definitely been something that I have had to overcome this semester. But because of this I now know how to in the future! This just shows that your point about learning and growing from failure is true!


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