5A- Identifying Local Opportunities

1. "Testing, distancing likely in store for state campuses"

Due to COVID-19, universities around the country have been operating remotely for the last couple months. As fall approaches and students look to return to school, some universities are mandating that students get tested for COVID-19 when they return. Additionally, all universities in the state are required to develop a "testing plan" before they can reopen. 

Problem: Organizing medical staff and professionals to administer the tests will be extremely time consuming and difficult. 

Who has the problem: State universities in Florida will have to figure out a way to systematically test returning students. 



2. "Tropical Storm Bertha makes land fall near Mount Pleasant South Carolina with 50 mph winds"

Tropical storm Bertha is expected to make landfall with approximately 50 mph winds off the coast of South Carolina. Despite this, Tropical Storm Bertha is weakening and is not expected to cause any severe damage. 

Problem: Despite Bertha's weakening, it will still cause problems for the homeless population due to the severe weather. 

Who has the problem: The homeless population of Mount Pleasant will have no where to go and will have to weather out the storm. 


3. "Lessons and questions as Gainesville reopens"

Gainesville's bars and restaurants are expected to reopen soon, which will help small businesses. Additionally, people that were not considered "essential workers" will be able to go back to work. Despite all of this, social distancing will continue to be the new normal as Gainesville moves forward. 

Problem: Even though bars and restaurants are beginning to reopen, they will be at limited capacity, and this will lower profits. 

Who has the problem: The bars and restaurants that are used to be heavily trafficked will have to adjust for limited capacity regulations. 


4. "This is a murder hornet. Here's what you probably saw"

People in Georgia have been panicking and calling exterminators frantically believing that they have seen a "murder hornet". Despite them believing that they have seen one, murder hornets have only been found in Washington to this date. 

Problem: Due to the increased volume of calls pertaining to the "murder hornets" exterminators are not able to work as efficiently. 

Who has the problem: The exterminators in Georgia are not able to work as efficiently with the influx of calls about the hornets. 


5. "Everyone is trying to get back into shape"

Georgia recently opened their gyms in an attempt to allow people to go back to their normal routines. With all of the turmoil surrounding the world right now, it was a welcomed change. 

Problem: Even though gyms are opened, they are heavily trafficked and now serve as a breeding ground for COVID-19 and other infectious diseases. 

Who has the problem: Gyms in Georgia that reopened too early. 



  1. Hi Jakob! I like that you found the problem with having universities mandating students get tested for COVID-19 prior to returning to campus. Not only would organizing this be time consuming and difficult, a one-time test wouldn’t be enough They would have to test every time the student came back from school because over the weekend what if they were out and about? Overall, I think you did a great job identifying problems within each news story.


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